New program DCLABTEGRA

Composition of field and laboratory tests

The new program DCLABTEGRA - the Integrated Soil Mechanics - provides a composition of all kinds of laboratory and field tests in a simple manner, taking all the tests from the programs DCBORE, DCPROBE, DCCONE, DCSIEVE, DCLOAD, DCPRESS, DCPROC, DCCONS, DCSHEAR, DCPERM, DCDENS, DCLIME and DCGLOW.

As a summary, a composition of masses with bore meters, numbers of samples and tests is provided.

DCLABTEGRA presents the following features:

  • Selection of any project files
  • Single projects or complete folders
  • Complete overview over years,
    groups of projects or all the tests
  • Project files are grouped by
    project numbers
  • Assignment by places of sampling /
    borings, depths of sampling and
    lab numbers
  • Borings, dynamic probings, cone
    penetration tests, grain size
    distributions, consistency limits,
    proctor tests, plate load tests,
    oedometer tests, shear tests,
    density, water content,
    permeability tests, lime content,
    glow loss: free selection of the
    desired test types
  • Free selection of results:
    soil type, soil group, soil class, Uc,
    Cc, permeability coefficient, liquid
    limit, plastic limit, ...
  • Direct selection of the single tests
    by clicking in the tree of tests
  • Immediate editing of the tests in
    the individual programs (DCSIEVE,