Lecture at FRILO & Friends on 17/03/2022

Insights into Integrated Foundation Engineering with DC-Integra (Online event in German language)

On 17/03/2022 Dr. Eng. Armin Doster will present a lecture in German language at the event FRILO & Friends with the topic

Integrated Foundation Engineering with DC-Integra

The process from the plan to the analysis with a 3D model of ground surface, subsurface and foundation pit with anchor layers and pipeworks is presented.
The different modules of DC-Integra 3D reach from the 3D display over the automatic determination of the excvation volume to the verification of anchor collisions.
Over analysis sections, data is transferred to the corresponding analysis program of the group DC-Foundation (e.g. DC-Pit) and result graphics may be integrated into the plan.

Over the IFC interface the transfer of the model into BIM programs is possible.

Customers of DC-Software and interested persons may register to the online event with the following link:
