Version 4.0 of the program DC-Pit is available since September 2011. It contains numerous enhancements and improvements:
Steel design acc. to Eurocode 3, DIN EN 1993 and OENORM B 1993
The inclination angle delta,p of the passive earth pressure as well as delta,C for the subst. force C for fully fixed walls may be iterated automatically: reduction of delta,p, if the sum of vertical forces is going upwards, reduction of delta,C if the sum of vertical forces is going downwards.
Italian version available (user interface and result output, to be selected separately)
Display of single excavation stages in the input with redistribution figures and stiffness modules
Automatic adaption of the values of elastic bedding when changing the excavation depth and for all soil layer depths
Selection of the timber grade with the design of girder plank walls
Printing of the current page from the graphics display
Limiting resistance Rd for cantilever walls acc. to EB 102 to 62% of the passive earth pressure Eph,d
Slopes in the excavation are not considered if they are located outside of the passive slip area under theta,p
Special predefinitions in the soil layer input are marked with a red "warning light"