DC-Software products

DC-Pile/Noise Barrier
The add-on option DC-Pile/Noise Barrier can be used to calculate individual piles, which are to be erected in embankments in accordance with the approach by Vogt.
Analysis of piles in slopes, e.g. for noise protection walls, acc. to ZTV-Lsw 06 resp. method of Vogt
- Analysis method for bored piles and driven piles
- Calculation according to ZTV-Lsw 22 and M EBGS-Lsw 2018, based on the approach by N. Vogt, Vorschlag für die Bemessung der Gründung von Lärmschutzwänden, Geotechnik 11 (1988), Booklet 4, Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 1988
- Iteration of the sliding mass for the sliding joint inclination with minimum safety
- Iteration of the pile length to meet the requirement of moment equilibrium
- Determination of the additional length Δt to meet the requirement of horizontal forces equilibrium
- Only available in combination with DC-Pile