DC-Software products

The DC-Geotex program is used to calculate constructions of reinforced earth with geosynthetics. Both the internal and external stability of the construction are verified and a calculation of the forces and the lengths of the geosynthetic material is performed.
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- Various lining walls can be selected
- Selection of predefined geosynthetics with reduction factors and a freely expendable parameter list
- Any kind of soil stratification is possible
- Horizontal and inclined ground surface
- Any groundwater levels can be defined
- For the accurate internal modelling of the structural system (e. g. ground surface and soil stratification), it is possible to import DXF graphics as a background
- Several load cases with vertical and horizontal concentrated loads, vertical line loads as the static load or railway traffic as the live load, concentrated moments and consideration of earth pressure and earthquake loads
- Verification of the internal stability: sliding block analysis
- Verification of the external stability: overturning, sliding, ground failure and base failure
- Verification of the turn-up length and the earth pressure on the outer skin
- Calculation of the forces and lengths of the geosynthetic product
- Verification of the lining wall: overturning, sliding, absorption of anchoring force, strength (concrete and natural stone blocks) and bar diameter (gabion walls)
- Detailed output of the individual load cases as text and graphics
- Output options: printer, PDF
- Interfaces: RTF export to MS Word, graphic export in JPG format, DXF export
Foundation engineering standards
- EN 1997-1
- DIN EN 1997-1
- ÖNORM B 1997-1-1
- NF EN 1997-1
- BS EN 1997-1
- UNI EN 1997-1 with NTC 2018
- EN 1998-5
- DIN 1054
- SIA 267